We want to make sure you have a great visit to Monk Park Farm, and we take your safety and health seriously, so please follow these guidelines closely when visiting us…

Hand Washing – Important!

Unfortunately all animals (and people!) carry germs which can make you very ill, but any risk of infection can be minimised with thorough hand washing using soap and warm water. Hand washing points are located in the Petting Barn and down by the lakeside play area.


  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching any animals on the farm.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after you have touched fences or other surfaces in animal areas.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and drinking.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after removing dirty shoes or boots that have been worn on the farm.
  • Supervise children closely to ensure they wash their hands thoroughly.
  • Only eat and drink in picnic areas or cafés.
  • Avoid touching or feeding any animal if you think you may be pregnant.
  • Please report any accident to a member of staff.


  • Don’t put hands on faces, or fingers in mouths, while petting animals or walking around the farm.
  • Don’t kiss farm animals or allow children to put their faces close to animals.
  • Don’t eat or drink while touching animals or walking around the farm. This includes eating sweets, crisps or chewing gum.
  • Don’t eat anything that’s fallen on the floor.
  • Don’t use gels or wipes instead of washing hands with soap and water. Gels and wipes do not remove all germs which can be present in dirt.

Teachers & Parents Must…

  • Supervise their children at all times.
  • Supervise their children while washing hands to ensure correct washing practice.
  • Extra care must be taken near our ponds and water courses.
  • When feeding animals, use a flat, open hand.

Cuts & Grazes…

  • Cover any cuts or grazes with a plaster. Keep away from animal droppings and wash your hands straight away.
  • First aid is available at the ticket kiosk.
  • Please report any incident to a member of staff.

General safety whilst visiting the Park

Please do not…

  • Pick up or throw any stones.
  • Pick up any plants or flowers whilst at Monk Park Farm.
  • Feed animal feed bags to the pet lambs.
  • Feed any picnic food to the livestock.
  • Put fingers into cages or through cage bars.
  • Allow children to walk around Monk Park Farm unsupervised.
  • Kiss animals.
  • Climb or run as this leads to accidents.
  • Squeeze any animals – they will bite!
  • Chase or frighten any of the animals – they might bite if scared!
  • Smoke on site – there is a designated smoking area next to the car park

Thanks for reading these safety guidelines. We hope you have a brilliant and safe visit to Monk Park Farm!